Whenever I buy a new device I just go ahead and delete all the games it brings and replace them with mine. PCECD, PS1 and Sega cd games ARE loading, the dpad controls for PCECD don’t work though (seems like all … The Miyoo doesn't recognize nested folders in the roms list.

Pages when looking through games is superior to scrolling down. gbc files etc) anyone have a good place to get poke rom hacks as. (GB for Gameboy, GBA for Gameboy Advance). Additional steps for a Miyoo Mini (if it cuts the bottom part of the screen) replace again GBC_Pikachu. And as Ma5hEd suggested, you might not have your BIOS file there and is likely your issue.

Warning: Everything below is unofficial, uses non-stable software and I'm not responsible for you screwing it up. Insert your Miyoo Mini's micro sd card containing your roms (after installing OnionOS) Run Skraper configuration wizard (don't need account), choose RECALBOX and press next, select your rom folder on the micro sd card as your rom path and check the box that reads 'Include non-Recalbox rom folders' then This solved my issue, thank so much! Check the Onion OS wiki and make sure you have all the bios files listed there for your system and make sure they are in the BIOS folder on root of the SD card. It’s got a great price to performance ratio, but the odd ball resolution for the gba makes a higher resolution screen much more desirable. The ones that came with mine are pbp and they work.