
Best way to organise your inbox in hotmail
Best way to organise your inbox in hotmail

It can help to block out a part of your day specifically for emails, and then to ignore your inbox for the rest of the day. Only answer emails when it suits your schedule. Tell the important people in your work, family, and social lives to text you if they have urgent information to share.

best way to organise your inbox in hotmail

Take control of your time and let go of your “must check email…” guilt. Not every email deserves a response–and many don’t need to be read at all (see #6). You don’t need to make email a priority you need to hold yourself back. If you compulsively check your email, forget everything I just said. Accept that you’ll never get everything done and prioritize your emails (see tip #5).Ģ. Don’t spend your time fiddling with low-urgency emails when you have an important one to address. Not everything is black and white, but this should be: work when you work and play when you play. Better yet, they create emotional energy instead of burning it on needless faux-work tasks. Go online shopping (maybe for gifts).Īll of these activities are more productive than pretending to work. This advice may sound like heresy, but the best way to stop procrastinating is simply to take a break. I invested hours in unnecessary long-term strategy, spreadsheet design/coding, and low-priority communications. I needed to feel like I was working, but just couldn’t make myself attend to my first-priority tasks. I used to feel overwhelmed by new and big projects and would do anything I could to avoid them. If you’re like me, you love tasks that feel like work–but really aren’t. Don’t use email organization to procrastinate The following 12 email organizing tips will help you to get your inbox under control. But I wasn’t always this organized–I had to learn how to manage my emails first.

Best way to organise your inbox in hotmail